Initially, I thought we would conduct the negotiations together, but in the end, Kees-Jan successfully led them with me in the background.
Kees Ooms
— Eigenaar Buwatec
On the 29th of June 2022, Kees Ooms, the owner of Buwatec BV, and Corine Rook, on behalf of Bergschenhoek Groep, put their signatures to a very promising takeover agreement. The initiative for the sale was taken by 63-year-old Ooms, who wanted to secure the future of his water storage systems company well before his retirement. He turned to Westeinde Business Builders for professional assistance during the sales process; they assisted him in drawing up a sales memorandum, finding prospective buyers and in closing the deal.
After spending more than 15 years building his company, Kees Ooms realised that he was ready to prepare for the next step. With his retirement still a few years away, he wanted to ensure that, after his departure, his company would remain successful. In the ideal scenario, he would stay on as the managing director for a few more years, to ensure a smooth handover to the new owners. With this in mind, he engaged Westeinde Business Builders to assist him with the sales process.
It was important to Ooms to be guided by experts; by approaching the sales process professionally – including the realistic valuation of the company and identification of several prospective buyers – the now ex-owner achieved a very satisfactory outcome.
The interested party bringing the greatest synergy eventually turned out to be Bergschenhoek Groep, the parent company of long-term business partner Bergschenhoek Water Technology. The buyer operates in the same markets as Buwatec, and the kind of services they offer are complementary. This offers Bergschenhoek Groep the opportunity to grow further together. For both parties, this overlap and the associated growth potential were ultimately the decisive reasons to join forces.
For the time being, Kees Ooms remains at the helm, as managing director of Buwatec. In this way, he can support the integration of the two companies, and also focus on the further expansion of Buwatec’s market position, but now with the support of the Bergschenhoek Groep. A fresh and personal challenge at the end of his career, which he is very happy to take on. Westeinde Business Builders is proud of this successful agreement and the pragmatic way in which it was accomplished. We are confident that Buwatec will grow further within Bergschenhoek Groep.